Tuesday, November 12, 2013

We had a Blast!

You know what the best part of Girl Scouts is for me? The girls! Hands down they are why I keep doing it.

We had a great camping trip this weekend and its was fun watching the girls navigate being outside of their comfort zones. Do we really need electronics to be happy? Not once did I hear the younger girls complain that they were missing their favorite show or that they were upset that they couldn't play some electronic game. They enjoyed being outside, breathing the crisp fresh air, running around, screaming at the top of their lungs and LAUGHING for no particular reason. Even the older girls weren't as distracted by their electronic devices as they would have been had they been home. Because they were so good, I relaxed my rule about taking their devices (they though I forgot).

The girls worked together to create games on their own.  The best is when they are jumping in the leaf pile that they painstakingly created. See the attached partial video clip. or later that evening when they made their scarecrow, who had some type of emergency and they used the 3 C's of first aid that they learned earlier in the day to revive her. I'm sorry I forgot to film that one, it was a classic.

A BIG thanks! to my parents who went on the trip, I couldn't have done it without you and you made it even more fun to me. We now have an ambassador member who may join us from time to time, but that we are also going to help and support this year as she participates in independent Girl Scout activities... "T", you ROCK! and when it's time for school recommendations, don't forget that Mrs. Cofield has one waiting for you.

For me camping is a way to step away from it all and just be... a chance to marvel at God's creation and be thankful. It's also a time to share something I really love with others. Our trip was all that and more for me.

We got to "make new friends and keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold!"

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